Every location in main memory is numbered with a sequential numeric address by which the memory location is referred. 主存中的每个位置都使用连续的数字地址编号,内存位置就使用这个地址来引用。
Domain name address is the "plain English" address of a computer on the Internet, as opposed to is numeric IP address. 域名地址是因特网上某台计算机的普通英语地址。与数字的IP地址相对应。
Not by some very arcane numeric address inside my computer's memory, but by a symbol, by a name. 不是通过一些在我电脑内存中的神秘的数字地址,而是通过一个符号,一个名字。
The host may be either a host name or a numeric IP address; port must be a decimal number. 宿主机可以是一个主机名或者一个数字IP地址;端口号必须是十进制数字。